


Heptaprocin is the combination of Cyproheptadin & Multivitamin. Cyproheptadin is anantihistamine which is used to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis and other allergic symptoms. It helps to cure sneezing, itching, watery eyes, runny nose, and other symptoms of allergies. It blocks certain chemicals like serotonin and histamine from body which body makes during allergic reaction. It also works on mild hives. Cyproheptadin with Multivitamin Tablets is an appetite stimulant with Multivitamin and is good for growth and vitality. Cyproheptadin has been used as a preventive measure against migraines in children and adolescents. It may also used in treatment of cyclical vomiting syndrome in infants and children. Multivitamins are very essential for body’s vitality and growth. It is used to treat vitamin deficiencies caused by multiple reasons e.g. illness, nutritional deficiency, pregnancy and other health conditions.

Manufactured By

Scindia Pharma

Active Ingredients

Cyproheptadine + M Vitamins

Release Form

Anti-Allergic + Multivitamins


4 mg

Packing Size

10*10 / Tablets

Keep medicine out of reach of Children

Heptaprocin is used to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis and other allergic symptoms. It blocks certain chemicals of body which caused due to histamine during allergic reactions. It also used to treat certain types of headache and migraine. Multivitamins plays a crucial role in our life. It helps to cover vitamin deficiency which may occur due to multiple reasons. Follow doctor’s prescription for dosage as it is depend upon patient’s age, necessity of doses and other medical condition. Do not stop or skip dose without suggested by doctor.

  • Dosage: As directed by the physician
  • Storage: Keep in cool, dark & dry place.
  • Side Effects:
    • Drowsiness, 
    • Dizziness, 
    • Blurred vision, 
    • Constipation, or 
    • Dry mouth/nose/throat may occur.
    • Restlessness

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